
Will Dole has been the pastor of Remsen Bible since its beginning in 2019. He has served as a missionary with the Rural Home Missionary Association (RHMA) since 2021.

From 2010-2013, Will was on staff with South Lake Youth Ministries, an organization devoted to helping rural churches develop the skills and access the resources necessary to make disciples in their communities. During that time he also studied for ministry through the Rocky Mountain Bible Mission. He later completed a degree in theology.

After years of serving in lay roles within their local church, Will and Andie felt the Lord leading them to plant a church in Remsen, a calling affirmed and supported by the elders of LeMars Bible Church. Beginning with a bible study in 2018, Remsen Bible began meeting for Sunday Worship in August of 2019. 

Along with their four children, Will and Andie love calling Remsen home.

Service: 10am, Sunday

Sunday School: 9am, Sunday 

Meeting at the VFW; 207 S. Washington Street, Remsen, Iowa 51050

Phone: 712/539/9307

Email: pastor@remsenbible.com